Thursday, February 23, 2006

Configuring Subversion with Netbeans

Configure Subversion with Netbeans

Step 1: Download Subversion profile from site
I configured it with Netbeans 4.1. The site also have profiles for other version of netbeans.

Step 2: Open Netbeans

Step 3: Click on Tools --> Update Center

Step 4: Select Install Manually downloaded Modules (.nbm Files)

Step 5: Click on Add and select the file that you downloaded. Finish the Wizard

Step 6: Click on Versioning --> Versioning Manager. In this popup add the working directory of the project and repository URL for Subversion. For instance I added c:\projects\projectname\src and repository as file:////svn ( mapped to c:\svn, if working on windows environment)

Step 7: Done. Now you can right click the project and view the files and status for the same.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, look at:


The page you were looking for doesn't exist.