Friday, February 05, 2010

Exploring Google Collections - Part 2

In Part 1, we focused on few classes of google collection. Here in part 2, we will expand on the simple scenario and work on DOM like tree structure scenario.

Consider a scenario of an external API provided by vendor. The API had tree like data structure, described by diagram below.

Node Component Diagram
Now the problem was that the main data structure part of external API was POJO. Though it was a tree structure it did not provide any operations for traversal or find operations. Here is the watered down version of the component.
public class NodeComponent {
private String name;
private List<NodeComponent> children;
private Map<String, String> attributes;

public NodeComponent(String name)
{ = name;

// Getters and Setters omitted for brevity

Let's see how google collection can be used to provide nice searcher methods. Consider following use cases:
  • Find child nodes based on node name
  • Find child nodes based on attribute name and value
  • Find child nodes on composite criteria of node name and attribute name and value
Lets implement cases using google collections.

Case 1: Find child nodes based on node name
First we will define NodeNameCriteria implementing Predicate interface

public class NodeNameCriteria implements Predicate<NodeComponent>
private String nameCriteria;

public NodeNameCriteria(String nameCriteria)
this.nameCriteria = nameCriteria;

public boolean apply(NodeComponent node)
return node.getName().equals(nameCriteria);
Further, define NodeSearcher class which will represent current node and will provide all these helper methods

public class NodeSearcher
private NodeComponent currentNode;

public NodeSearcher(NodeComponent currentNode)
this.currentNode = currentNode;

public Collection<NodeComponent> findChildrenByNodeName(String name)
return Collections2.filter(currentNode.getChildren(),new NodeNameCriteria(name));
Case 2: Find child nodes based on attribute name and value
Similar to first approach, this requires creating a Predicate implementation, let's name it AttributeNameValueCriteria

public class AttributeNameValueCriteria implements Predicate<NodeComponent>
    private String nameCriteria;
    private String valueCriteria;

    public AttributeNameValueCriteria(String nameCriteria, String valueCriteria)
        this.nameCriteria = nameCriteria;
        this.valueCriteria = valueCriteria;

    public boolean apply(NodeComponent component)
        Set<Map.Entry<String, String>> entrySet = component.getAttributes().entrySet();

        Set<Map.Entry<String, String>> matchedAttrSet = Sets.filter(entrySet, new Predicate<Map.Entry<String, String>>(){
            public boolean apply(Map.Entry<String, String> entry) {
                return nameCriteria.equals(entry.getKey()) &&
        return matchedAttrSet != null && !matchedAttrSet.isEmpty();
Case 3: Find child nodes on composite criteria of node name and attribute name and value
So far so good but the real benefit of defining the Predicate comes with the third case. In this case what is needed is to define a criteria which is composition of NodeNameCriteria and AttributeNameValueCriteria. We don't need to define third criteria implementation. Instead we will use Predicates compose method. Add following implmentation of findChildrenByNodeNameAndAttributeNameValue to NodeSearcher
public Collection<NodeComponent> findChildrenByNodeNameAndAttributeNameValue(String nodeName, String attrName, String attrValue)
Predicate<NodeComponent> compositePredicate = Predicates.and(new NodeNameCriteria(nodeName),
                                                        new AttributeNameValueCriteria(attrName, attrValue));
     return Collections2.filter(currentNode.getChildren(), compositePredicate);
In simpler approach, one would have defined filter criteria as condition of if loop. But with implementing them as Predicate implementation, you can reuse criteria implementation and mix and match with help of following Predicates function and and or methods.

Blogged with the Flock Browser

1 comment:

ludovicc said...

Hello Kartik, thanks for putting this code online. I'm now using it, with some improvements, to monitor a Glassfish server for performance testing.
